Find the best free resources to work with stock footage without spending a penny. Working with a small budget should not be a problem to achieve the best possible results in video productions. And it’s always convenient to test a product or service before investing in it. Here you will find the best free resources in stock footage – clips, additional media, software tools, services, etc – to create amazing video content without spending extra money!
Are you eager to start producing content but lacking the budget for additional footage? Are you bootstrapping a personal project with close to no resources to ...
Video Editing can be an arduous task but if you're anything like us, you probably already have a full arsenal of effects and plugins at the ready. How ...
Editing is an indispensable task in video production. All footage, despite how good it is, needs to be edited to get to the final cut, that perfectly ...
Free stock footage is a valuable resource to spice up your video creations. Stock footage lets you get all kinds of additional shots, b-roll, and filling ...