Stock Footage Video Buyer’s Guide – Footage Secrets
Best Stock Footage Coupon Codes & Offers
We have collected the Best Stock Footage Sites for you in our huge guide to the top 21 Sites to Download Stock Footage. You can also pick any of the Footage Agencies below and see their review and offers. If you are neet more help? Check out our definitive guide to buy stock video like an expert.
Footage Buyers Guide

In the world of digital asset sourcing, two platforms often come to the forefront: Envato and Artlist. Each offers distinct features tailored to different creative needs. This comparison between the two, focusing on features and benefits, aims to provide an in-depth overview of both services, ...
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Are you eager to start producing content but lacking the budget for additional footage? Are you bootstrapping a personal project with close to no resources to invest in b-roll? Do you simply love a chance to save some bucks? In these cases and a number of others, you will likely conclude free ...
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Ever since AI came into the visual creation industry, we’ve been eager to see what cool tools came up to make our work easier, faster, and more professional. AI video editing is one of the fields that has seen a lot of development lately. Intelligent features are constantly added to ...
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Stock Video News
Discover how to work with Stock Video Footage
Stock Footage is a multi-purpose piece of video content that can be licensed and used in a larger footage production. It's content that was not specifically shot for the production in which is used – it's either shot intentionally as a versatile clip suitable to varied purposes, or outtakes or cut shots from different projects. You can search, find and license stock footage clips to complete and boost up your productions. Learn more!
Some of the best sources for Free Stock Footage are Stock Footage agencies themselves. Many of them include free stock video offers for their subscribers, and all you have to do to access them is to sign up for free at their websites. This is also a great way to test the suitability of an agency's content before spending money with them. Find the best sources for Free Stock Footage here or compare stock footage agencies now!
The best source to buy Royalty Free Stock Footage are Stock Footage agencies. Most of the top agencies offer large and varied collections of millions of stock videos, and they have different pricing points, buying systems and licensing options. Find the best Stock Footage agency for your needs!
There's many great sites to buy Stock Footage. But what are the best? Which one of them is best for you? You must evaluate the content, the price points, the licensing terms and the buying models and check them against your needs. At FootageSecrets this is easy to do. Compare the Best Stock Footage Sites!
Many Stock Footage agencies have cheap prices, but to get Cheap Stock Footage that fits in your needs and gives you the best value for your money, you must consider not just the price, but also the quality and variety of the content, the buying systems, the licensing options, among other factors. Compare agencies and find the best Cheap Stock Footage for you!
To edit Stock Videos and make them part of your video production, software and hardware tools are important, but equally important is your set of skills. Mastering the techniques and concepts around great video editing is key to have the best final results. Learn more!
4K is the new standard for high definition in Stock Footage (also called Ultra HD), and it's increasingly popular not only because of the sharper image it deliver, but also because of the greater editing flexibility it allows through RAW file. Using 4K footage in your Video Production is a smart choice. Learn more!